All CJA products require scheduled periodic inspections, adjustments, lubrication and other routine maintenance actions.  Non-performance of maintenance will nullify the product warranty. Periodic elevator equipment maintenance schedules must be determined by the elevator mechanic/installer/contractor and should be based on the environment, the age of the equipment and the frequency the equipment is used.  Since C.J. Anderson & Company does not install or maintain elevator equipment we cannot determine this.  Lubricating pivot points on all devices and ensuring that where self wiping contacts making good contact and also that no part of the device is broken or worn so it does not function as intended. Under no circumstances should any safety device be defeated or bypassed.  Death or injury could occur.  Equipment that is not properly maintained can lead to injury and/or death.  Never leave a elevator running in an unsafe condition.  Always follow proper safety precautions as you were trained to do so you go home to your family each night.  

Maintain CJA Equipment with FLUID FILM® - 60 Years of Leadership in the Science of Corrosion Control

We started recommending FLUID FILM® when the Eureka Chemical Company first started. From its first seagoing use in the 1940s, FLUID FILM® has been proved in some of the most severe conditions; Industrial, agricultural, raw-terrain construction – even on the space shuttle. Modified over time to adapt to environmental and application considerations, it’s non-toxic/non-hazardous.. FLUID FILM® continues to serve as the most effective corrosion control for industry, farming, industrial and transportation. We recommend it for any application where water, corrosion is an issue. Spray on pivot points to ensure all pieces of our equipment move freely and wipe off any excess.

Order a case today!

Elevator Virus Protection & Cleaning Tips For CJA Pushbuttons

Simple Green d Pro 5 Concentrate - 1 Gallon Concentrate - SG-DP5-1 Simple Green d Pro 5 Concentrate - 1 Gallon Concentrate - SG-DP5-1
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Comes complete with 1 Gallon of Simple Green d Pro 5 Concentrate, 1 Pump Dispenser and 2 Ready to Mix Squirt Bottles. Just add Paper Towels

Estimated Lead Time: 2-3 Days If Not In Stock

Here are some basic cleaning practices we recommend for CJA Pushbuttons and Fixtures that will help keep your elevator healthy.  

We recommend Simple Green Pro 5 Plus Antibacterial Cleaner for all of our CJA Pushbuttons. Our pushbuttons and fixtures have been tested at our facility and have no adverse effects when disinfecting with this product. Solution must be diluted per the manufacturers directions and the proper safety steps must be taken at all times when applying. Please note this recommendation is for genuine C.J. Anderson & Company fixtures only. If you have another companies products installed please contact them directly for maintenance and sterilization procedures.

Features of Simple Green d Pro 5 Disinfectant

  • OSHA bloodborne pathogen compliant against HIV, HBV, HCV and more

  • EPA registered formula sanitizes in 3 minutes, disinfects in 10 minutes

  • pH: 7.0 - 9.0

  • Dilute up to 1:64

  • Simple Green D Pro 5 Cleaner - Sanitizer - Fungicide - Mildew stat - Viricide - Deodorizer

Keep your elevator sterilized for virus protection

Most commercial elevators feature stainless steel construction, an extremely durable metal that generally requires minimal upkeep. However, every elevator owner should know how to properly clean elevators to ensure safe operation and a clean environment for elevator passengers. Since so many people could use an elevator on any given day, routine thorough cleaning can help slow the spread of bacteria and disease.

Elevator owners should know the different vital sections of their commercial elevators and how to clean them correctly.

Cleaning Elevator Buttons - Frequency : 2-3 Plus Times a Day

Clean your elevator buttons buttons on the control panel and hall stations on a regular basis. Depending on the number of people who use it incorporate elevator buttons and clean as often as your bathroom. Use an antibacterial cleaning agent on the elevator buttons, being careful not to spray any cleaner directly on to the buttons that may seep inside the control panel and damage internal components. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the buttons and the panel, removing trapped dirt, dust, hair, and other bits stuck around the buttons. Microfiber cloths are also great for cleaning dust and dirt from light fixtures inside the elevator. Always spray the cleaner/disinfectant onto a microfiber towel or non abrasive paper towel and wipe the elevator pushbuttons in the elevator and at each floor.

Cleaning the Elevator Pit - Frequency - Request Information From Elevator Contractor

Pit cleaning should never be attempted without a certified elevator technician present to assure proper lock out of the elevator. You may not expect to see trash in your elevator pit, but this is very common in many types of buildings. Trash, dust, and debris can fall through cracks between the elevator doors and accumulate in the pit below the elevator cab. Over time, this may interfere with the elevator’s moving parts. Remove trash and use a vacuum device to remove dust and dirt accumulation. Regular pit cleaning can also help prevent pest infestations that may enter the elevator pit to get at the fallen trash. 

Sterilizing Elevator Doors and Walls - Daily

Most commercial elevators will have stainless steel walls and doors. Ensure the elevator has stopped completely and use a non-abrasive cleaner to remove dust and mess from stainless steel. You can also use specialized stainless steel cleaning agents to remove water spots and give stainless steel a clean and polished shine. When it’s time to clean the interior walls, use non-corrosive cleaners that do not leave behind strong smells.

Cleaning the Elevator Floors and Mirrors - daily

Depending on the type of elevator floors you have, you may need to brush and vacuum carpeted floors or clean and polish tiled or steel floors. Again, non-abrasive and non-corrosive cleaners are the best options here. Many commercial elevators have low-rise carpeting that can trap dust, dirt, and grime, and a powerful cleaner can prevent passengers from tracking these things out of the elevator.